I am a post-doctoral researcher at ENSAE and IP Paris, working with Vianney Perchet on online algorithms and bandit problems. I received my PhD in computer science from the University of Lille, where I worked under the direction of Emilie Kaufmann and Odalric-Ambrym Maillard in the INRIA ScooL team.
During my PhD, I explored non-parametric algorithms for the Multi-Armed Bandit problem. Motivated by an application in agriculture, I investigated several approaches based on sub-sampling or bootstrapping, that work under realistic non-parametric assumptions on the reward distributions. I then considered some generalizations of these approaches motivated by practical considerations: risk-aware learning, non-stationarity of rewards, or batched feedback.
PhD in Computer Science, 2019-2022
CNRS/Inria Lille, SequeL/ScooL team
MSc Mathématiques Vision Apprentissage (MVA), 2019
ENS Paris-Saclay
MSc in Statistics and Computer Science, 2019